The 2023 AARE Conference will be held from 26 to 30 November in Melbourne, hosted by the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education. We can announce the theme for this year’s conference will be Truth, Voice, Place: Critical junctures for educational research.
As the newly appointed Standing Chair, I’d like to acknowledge the incredible work of volunteers that draw this conference together as a point and place for care for education and educational research. The AARE Conference has been a place of care and collegiality for many education researchers over the past years, even when we were socially and physically isolated. We look forward to continuing the work of sharing and honouring the growth and contribution of educational research in pursuit of Truth in and of Place in a year where Voice has meaning with great stakes in the approaching Australian Referendum.
We are also thrilled to have re-established our relationship with Think Business Events (TBE) as our Professional Conference Organiser. TBE have supported a number of past AARE Conferences so we feel like we are in very good hands and excited to kick off a number of key components over the coming weeks.
Please keep an eye on your inboxes for information including keynote speakers, call for abstracts and conference registration in the week of 3 April!