Postgraduate Student / Early Career Researcher Poster Award


Inaugurated in 2010, the Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Poster Award is intended to support the participation and inclusion of postgraduate and early career researchers in the educational research community. 

Between 2010 and 2023 the PG/ECR Poster Award was supported by the Australian Council of Deans of Education.


Funding round: single round per annum

Applications: A digital copy of your poster must be submitted via the PG/ECR Poster Award Submission Form by 11:59pm on Thursday 21st November, 2024 to be nominated for the award.

Status of funding round: Open

Benefits to Awardee: Certificate and $1,000 to assist with conference attendance expenses.

Applicant Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Postgraduate / ECR Researcher Poster Award, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be a AARE member
  • be either enrolled in a higher degree research program in a relevant area of study at an Australian higher education institution, or have been awarded a doctoral degree within the past 5 years
  • submit a first-authored abstract for a poster presentation, via the online conference submission system and by the closing date for abstracts of posters, and have their proposal accepted for presentation
  • be able to attend the conference and present the poster according to the program
  • have not previously received the AARE Postgraduate/ECR Poster Award

It is possible to submit a jointly authored poster for an award. Award applicants must be the first named author on the poster. AARE places the responsibility for full disclosure to co-authors with the first author of a paper submitted for consideration in these award categories. It is not a requirement that award papers be included in the conference proceedings.

Merit criteria

A panel of experienced researchers will judge the posters according to:

  • the content of the poster
  • the clarity and interest of the presentation
  • the presentation of theoretical and methodological bases and findings of the research
  • the presentation of quality discussion points or conclusions drawn from the findings
  • the visual power of communicating main messages via the genre of the poster

Only one poster per researcher or research team should be submitted for the Award in any year. Posters previously submitted may not be resubmitted.

Eligible people may nominate for the Poster Award prior to the conference.


Funds will be made available following the conference.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted via the PG/ECR Poster Award Application Form

Selection process

Applications will be assessed against the merit criteria by the Poster Awards Panel, which is convened each year by the Awards Convenor.
The Panel’s decision will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into.


Previous awardees


Jacqueline Briskham University of Newcastle

Transforming casual relief teacher practice and identity through participation in high-quality professional development.


Philip Kairns Monash University

Moving between the margins: exploring queer lived experiences in Australian postsecondary STEM education spaces.


Yaw Ofosu-Asare Southern Cross University

(People’s Choice Poster Award) Redefining Design Education Boundaries in Africa Beyond the Westernised Curriculum, Embracing Indigenous Practices in Ghana's Graphic Design Education.

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