Raewyn Connell Award - Gender, Sexualities & Cultural Studies


This award aims to acknowledge significant leadership in and contribution to building the fields of sexuality, gender and queer research in education within the Australian context. The motivation to create this award emerged from the view that given the developing status of these research fields it is important to establish mechanisms through which contributions to and leadership within these fields can be promoted and acknowledged.

We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problematic - focusing as they do on singling out individuals when the growth of the field is always the result of collective efforts. We hope that the award is received in the spirit of more actively bringing people together to celebrate the work we all do, and we welcome discussions of additional ways to nurture work occurring across these fields.

Previous Awardees

2016: Bronwyn Davies
2018: Tiffany Jones
2021: Jacqueline Ullman
2023: Feminist Educators Against Sexism (#FEAS)

Future Award Nominations

The next AARE Raewyn Connell Award nominations are expected to be sought in 2025.


If you have any questions regarding the award, please email to Michelle Jeffries (m.jeffries@qut.edu.au), Barrie Shannon (barrie.shannon@unisa.edu.au), or And Pasley (a.pasley@auckland.ac.nz).