AARE is engaged in activities to promote and advocate for the positive impact of educational research on policy and practice in education and associated areas of society.
Submission from the Australian Association for Research in Education to the NCGP Review and Discussion Paper
In May 2024, AARE welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Australian Research Council (ARC) and Department of Education’s Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP). Guidance was sought on key areas, such as schemes to support early career researchers and national research priorities.
Inquiry into the Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2018
In February 2022, AARE made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018. The Inquiry was referred to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 15 March 2022.
Coaldrake Review of Higher Education Provider Standards
Recently a submission was made by AARE to the Coaldrake Review of Higher Education Provider Standards. More details about the review can be found at https://www.education.gov.au/review-higher-education-provider-category-standards.
The submission was led by Annette Woods. Thanks to all of the members who offered suggestions and expertise. Special mention of Marie Brennan, Bev Rogers, Lew Zippin, Solphie Rudolf, Robyn Henderson, Michelle Simons and Sue Nicholls who have read drafts, offered suggestions and resources as part of the process. AARE takes opportunities to advocate for a strong tertiary education sector in Australia whenever possible.
The submission was led by Annette Woods. Thanks to all of the members who offered suggestions and expertise. Special mention of Marie Brennan, Bev Rogers, Lew Zippin, Solphie Rudolf, Robyn Henderson, Michelle Simons and Sue Nicholls who have read drafts, offered suggestions and resources as part of the process. AARE takes opportunities to advocate for a strong tertiary education sector in Australia whenever possible.
Inquiry into Funding Australia's Research
Recently a submission was made by AARE to the Inquiry into Funding Australia's Research. More details about the Inquiry can be found at the Parliament of Australia. The Inquiry was referred to the Committee by the Minister for Employment, Education and Training. As a result of the submission the President was invited to attend an Inquiry hearing and this provided a further opportunity to advocate for educational research and fair funding practices.
Refugee statement
At the Annual General Meeting of AARE members held in Canberra in November, 2017, the membership expressed deep concerns about the situation of asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and Nauru and the infringement of their human rights. A motion was passed that AARE condemn the situation on Manus Island and Nauru, and Australia’s refugee and asylum seeker policies more generally. A statement was signed by members and forwarded to all relevant Federal Leaders, Ministers and Shadow Ministers in December, 2017. The statement condemned the inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers being detained in offshore facilities, and called on the Australian Government and the Opposition to make immediate changes to current policies.
Statement about threats to educational research through casualization and university restructures
At the Annual General Meeting of AARE members held in Canberra in November, 2017, the membership expressed concerns about the current situation at Australian Universities and threats to educational research from casualization and university restructures. As a result a working party of those members who initially put forward the motion, and the President (2017-2018) has met throughout 2018 and the first Special Session seeking ways to protect and extend futures for educational research in the Australian university sector is planned for the AARE 2018 Conference.