AARE Conference Bursaries

For Postgraduate Students and Early Career Researchers

2024 Conference Bursary Program:

Overview and purpose

AARE is pleased to provide a conference bursary program to support conference attendance in 2024.  This program is offered as a way of reaching new members and as a service to existing AARE members.  The program is in recognition of the equity issues faced by postgraduate students and early career researchers in the current Higher Education context.

The 2024 AARE Conference is being held at Macquarie University in Sydney 1-5 December.  Please review the AARE Conference website for more information.

AARE offers various bursaries, scholarships and awards to support postgraduate students and early career researchers.  These Conference Bursaries are open to both members and non-members of AARE.

In 2024, AARE is offering 25 bursaries to provide conference registration and 12 months AARE Membership.

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend the Pre-Conference Workshop 
  • Attend the Welcome Reception of the Conference 
  • Attend for the full duration of the Conference, attending Keynote and paper presentations that are of interest to your work 
  • Attend the “First Timers’ Lunch” (new members or new to attending the AARE Conference) 

What is covered?

Conference registration:  

A complimentary Conference Registration, including the Pre-Conference Workshop, Welcome Reception and catering (morning/afternoon tea and lunch each day). 

AARE Membership: 

12 month AARE Membership includes:

*Generally $500+ saving for concessional member

Eligibility criteria

Open to any applicant who:

  • Is a postgraduate student enrolled in a postgraduate research program in a relevant area of study at an Australian higher education institution 


Is an early career researcher (in first 5 years since graduation of doctoral degree)

  • In part-time or casual employment or currently unemployed
  • Has not received other AARE awards or bursaries in 2024 (Please note: you can apply for multiple schemes).

Preference may be given to applicants who have submitted an abstract to present at the 2024 AARE Conference. You do not need to have been accepted to present at the point of applying for these bursaries, but please provide details of your proposal if applicable.

Application and selection process

Only people who meet all eligibility criteria should apply. Please review the criteria above and be sure that you are eligible before applying.

Applications should be submitted via the online form below by: 11.59pm Friday 2nd August 2024

>>AARE Conference Bursary Application Form

Allocation of Bursaries will be undertaken by a Conference Bursary Panel, based on the following principles:

  • That the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The aim of offering support to student and early career researchers from as many institutions/geographical regions as possible.
  • The aim of offering support to AARE members and encouraging new members.

Postgraduate students are advised to discuss their attendance at the conference with their supervisor/s.

Applicants can expect notification about the outcome of their application by: COB Friday 30th August 2024

Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the results.  It is not possible to provide feedback on applications, and no correspondence about the list of awardees will be possible.

If you have any questions related to the Conference Bursaries, please contact your representatives Ben Zunica and Sarah Langman at pgecr@aare.edu.au.