You searched for "assessment practices in an applied learning"
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Purpose:The purpose of the Assessment and Measurement SIG is to provide a forum where AARE members with an interest in educational assessment and measurement can meet to discuss relevant research, theory and its implications for classroom practice, and assessment policy.
Research interests:Qualitative and quantitative approaches across all phases of education to:
classroom assessment, and
standardised assessment in education.
This includes:
approaches to formative and summative assessment inc…
Research interests:Qualitative and quantitative approaches across all phases of education to:
classroom assessment, and
standardised assessment in education.
This includes:
approaches to formative and summative assessment inc…
Assessing Australia Research Council Grant Applications
Did you know that many Australian Education researchers provide feedback in ARC assessment reports, which is putting applications at risk of not being funded?
At the recent Australian Education Research Leaders’ Summit, the assessment of ARC applications was discussed. Informal advice from previous ARC College of Experts indicates that, in Education we could do better in the way we provide assessments.
For example, many Australia…
Did you know that many Australian Education researchers provide feedback in ARC assessment reports, which is putting applications at risk of not being funded?
At the recent Australian Education Research Leaders’ Summit, the assessment of ARC applications was discussed. Informal advice from previous ARC College of Experts indicates that, in Education we could do better in the way we provide assessments.
For example, many Australia…
Customer services policyThis online merchant is located in Australia.
The policy below relates to the sale of goods and services by the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
Pricing policy1. Country of domicile
AARE is an Australian association incorporated in South Australia. The AARE Office is located in the Australian Capital Territory.
2. Currency used in transactions
All transactions are completed using Australian Dollars (AUD$) and through the Australian banking syst…
The policy below relates to the sale of goods and services by the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
Pricing policy1. Country of domicile
AARE is an Australian association incorporated in South Australia. The AARE Office is located in the Australian Capital Territory.
2. Currency used in transactions
All transactions are completed using Australian Dollars (AUD$) and through the Australian banking syst…
Recent ARC Successes in Education
Our congratulations to all members and educational researchers who were successful in the 2022 ARC DP and Linkage schemes, and commiserations to those whose projects were not funded – preparing these applications is always a huge amount of intellectual and emotional labour. While outcomes according to FOR codes provide a guide to tracking the success of educational researchers in ARC schemes, it is not definitive.
Do we know about your success? Please advise t…
Our congratulations to all members and educational researchers who were successful in the 2022 ARC DP and Linkage schemes, and commiserations to those whose projects were not funded – preparing these applications is always a huge amount of intellectual and emotional labour. While outcomes according to FOR codes provide a guide to tracking the success of educational researchers in ARC schemes, it is not definitive.
Do we know about your success? Please advise t…
The Technology and Learning SIG will be releasing monthly podcasts on research and topics of interest in the area of technology and learning. Please enjoy the episodes and share with your colleagues.
Episode 8Dr Hilary Wheaton is the Principal Advisor for Educational Practice, in the Education Portfolio, at RMIT University. Hilary plays a key role in shaping university-wide initiatives, recently focusing on curriculum design, academic integrity, and AI strategy. She developed RMIT’s Academic In…
Episode 8Dr Hilary Wheaton is the Principal Advisor for Educational Practice, in the Education Portfolio, at RMIT University. Hilary plays a key role in shaping university-wide initiatives, recently focusing on curriculum design, academic integrity, and AI strategy. She developed RMIT’s Academic In…
We welcome researchers from all fields of education and social science who are interested in using and advancing our understanding of human activity using the powerful theoretical tools derived from Vygotsky and the community of scholars that have arisen from this tradition. We are united by our use of the theories and methodologies of Cultural-Historical Theory, Activity Theory, and Socioculutural Theory. We have members who work in social justice, STEM education, emotion, early childhood educa…