Call for expressions of interest – BERA 2023
AARE is pleased to announce that it has again been invited to host a symposium as part of the program at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference taking place at Aston University Birmingham, Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 September 2023.
AARE proudly invites members to submit expressions of interest to present a symposium at this conference.
Expression of interest submissions
Expressions of interest must include the following information:
- Title of symposium
- 750 word abstract of the symposium, including an overview of the symposium, and the title and a paragraph about each paper in the symposium.
- 250 word references
- Title, First Name, Surname, Institution, Country, Email Address of all authors
- Indicate which authors are; presenting author; discussant; convenor; non-presenting author
Please note that:
- All contributors to the symposium must be current AARE members. The exception is that a discussant may be included who is an international scholar and not a member if that is relevant.
- At least one author from each paper in the symposium must attend the event in person.
- The symposium will be clearly labelled and published as an AARE Symposium in the program, and similar acknowledgement should be made during the symposium.
Submissions should be sent to AARE via this 2023 BERA Invited Symposium Submission Form by COB 8th May 2023.
Submissions will be reviewed by a Panel formed for this purpose. Unfortunately it is not possible to provide detailed feedback to applicants. All decisions are final. The successful symposium will be announced on the AARE website for the information of members.
Support to attend BERA 2023
AARE is pleased to offer a total amount of up to $5,000 funding to assist the selected symposium team to attend the conference in Birmingham. This funding will be reimbursed to participants on receipt of relevant invoices after the event.
The successful symposium team should negotiate how funds will be distributed amongst the team. However, AARE strongly supports the use of the funds for ECR and HDR presenters wherever this is relevant. Approval will be sought from the Chair of the successful symposium before any reimbursement is made by AARE.
Please note: As the symposium presenters will be representing AARE, it is expected that at least one presenter from each proposed paper will attend the BERA conference. If this is not possible, unless there are extenuating circumstances, AARE reserves the right to reverse the decision and remove support. Please ensure that all proposers of the papers in the symposium understand it is expected that at least one presenter on each paper attends the conference in person if the symposium is selected.
As further support from BERA, those participating directly in the symposia will be able to register for the conference at the BERA member rate.