
Social media is an important element of nearly every young person’s life. Many use platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Facebook every day. But these platforms are not neutral. Platform operators are shaping the way young people use social media. In this post I look at what is happening and how teachers can help …
The will and vital capacity of Australian universities to support academics to combine teaching and research is under grave threat. Intensifying workloads—much of it kept invisible in workload models—short-change time and opportunity for research. And governing forces—within and beyond universities—have been moving to restructure investment in university labours towards teaching at the expense of research.
In Australia children with disabilities have the right to be consulted about what can be done to help them participate fully in school life.
Much has been researched, written and debated about what it means to be a ‘good’ teacher.
Teachers in Australian schools today are facing increasing pressures to move to more didactic, teacher-centred approaches to teaching.
Interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in schools is growing.
School principals in Australia are increasingly required to find a balance between improving student achievement on measurable outcomes (such as NAPLAN) and focusing energies on things that can’t as easily…
A national survey of Australian secondary school students aged between 15 and 19 years found that one in four students had a probable serious mental illness.
Ongoing professional development of teachers is vital for the successful education of our children.
“We have so much pressure on us to teach literacy in our classrooms.
Two recent victories in the battle to win the right for girls to wear shorts and pants to school has put girls' school uniform back in the spotlight in Australia.
The recent announcement that Gaming Disorder (impaired control over gaming) will be included as an official diagnosis in The International Classification of Disease, Eleventh Revision followed hot on the heels…
On October 5th 1979 stuntman Kenny Powers attempted to jump his rocket powered Lincoln Continental car from Canada to the USA across the St Lawrence River; a jump of 1.
It is not unusual these days for big business to want to have a say in what is going on in education.
Creativity is once again front and centre in the call for educating more effective 21stcentury workforces in Australia with the release of David Gonski’s latest review of schooling.