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You searched for "National research application form"

10 results found
PurposeThis award aims to acknowledge significant leadership in and contribution to building the fields of sexuality, gender and queer research in education within the Australian context. The motivation to create this award emerged from the view that given the developing status of these research fields it is important to establish mechanisms through which contributions to and leadership within these fields can be promoted and acknowledged.

We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problema…
This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
The Series Editors call for proposals for the Local/Global Issues in Education book series. We welcome high-quality edited collections or monographs from members of the Australian educational research community addressing key issues in education today.

Series AimsThis series investigates the interplay between the local and the global in contemporary education policy and practice. While globalisation is transforming local education systems, the local cannot be conceived as homogeneous or passiv…
Wednesday 12 June 2019, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm AEST
La Trobe University City Campus, Level 20, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
Notions of the body and embodiment have become prominent across a number of established discipline areas, like philosophy, sociology, psychology, and so on. Likewise, emerging areas in related fields, such as embodied cognition, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, bio-power/bio-politics, and so on, approach the body and embodiment in novel ways, and offer the possi…
Thanks to all those members who took the time to complete the Mapping Research Opportunities in the Field of Education in Australia Survey. The Survey is now closed and the AARE Working party are in the process of analysing the data. The results of this work will be reported at the AARE Conference in Brisbane in December, 2019.
Symposium: The Body, Embodiment, & Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach

On Wednesday 12th June 2019, at the La Trobe University City Campus, a symposium was held on the following theme: “The Body, Embodiment, and Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach”.

The event brought together a range of highly distinguished academics to present their research on the symposium theme. Co-sponsored by the School of Education at La Trobe University, and the Australian Association for Research in Educ…
The AARE Conference Standing Committee met this morning and made the difficult decision to postpone the AARE 50th Anniversary Conference and Celebrations until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While we are disappointed that we will not be able to come together to share our research and collegiality in person, AARE will continue to support its special interest groups to conduct online workshops, seminars and networking events.

We will be working with SIG convenors to prepare a program of even…
Local/Global Issues in Education is the Australian Association for Research in Education supported book series, published by Routledge.

The Series Editors call for proposals for the Local/Global Issues in Education book series. We welcome high-quality edited collections or monographs from members of the Australian educational research community addressing key issues in education today.

For further information click here.

Proposal due date: Wednesday 31st August 2022
Proposals to be submitted…
In September 2022, the AARE Executive committee will be calling for nominations for the following Executive positions in the 2022 Executive Committee Election, to be held in October.

Secretary: current office bearer John Lester will vacate in 2022; AARE will call for a secretary to fill the current term vacancy 2021-2023
Treasurer: AARE will call for nominations to fill a 3 year term 2023-2025 (current office bearer Michele Simons is eligible to re-nominate)
Ordinary Member Postgraduate Student…
News from the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
Sociocultural and Activity Theory (SAT) SIG has changed the name to Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). Sociocultural theory was used in the early days of the movement of Vygotsky’s ideas into America but now the theoretical, methodological and empirical family of theory who trace their lineage to Vygotsky have become known as cultural-historical & activity research. If your research involves the use of CHAT or you have int…