We aim to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share their research and knowledge about teaching and learning in contexts or on topics that pertain to international education and educational systems globally. The connections provided by our network aim to assist researchers and teachers to discuss, debate and theorize, share research findings and establish research partnerships with across the scope of national and international education contexts. These activities will be supported through the SIG by events such as discussion groups, workshops and symposia at AARE annual conferences. The SIG will also actively apply for AARE grants, which will be used for a variety of purposes including networking events, capacity building of SIG members (particularly early career researchers), supporting conference dinners, sponsoring presentations by international guests and other special events promoting opportunities for collaboration. The Global Contexts for Education SIG, will serve as a vehicle for AARE to support the development of a critical mass of educational researchers and seed future academic leaders in the diverse academic field of international and comparative education.
Research interests:
A cross-section of interest areas and topics for the Global Contexts for Education SIG currently include:
- Teaching and learning in education programs internationally;
- Transnational teacher pedagogy;
- Language, culture and identity in education across a range of international contexts;
- International mindedness and global citizenship;
- Movement of teachers internationally;
- Internationalization of national curricula;
- Outbound mobility experiences;
- Cross-country comparisons of education standards, policy, practices and outcomes;
- Educational development and change in global settings; and
- Capacity building activities including mentoring of early career researchers.