Developing An Online Questionnaire For Determining Teachers’ Perceptions Of Their Preparedness For Working With Children Experiencing Parental Separation And Divorce

Year: 2015

Author: Mahony, Linda

Type of paper: Refereed paper

This paper documents the development of an online qualitative questionnaire to be used with teachers of young children experiencing parental separation and divorce. The questionnaire forms the first phase one of a larger project where it will be used to determine teachers’ thoughts, opinion, and beliefs regarding their preparedness for working with children experiencing parental separation and divorce. Development and structure of the questionnaire has been informed by a previous study whereby teachers disclosed their professional learning needs for working with children and families experiencing parental separation and divorce. The modules in the questionnaire reflect the modules in the online professional learning tool. The categories of teachers’ professional learning needs are—(1) knowledge of the phenomenon, (2) working with children, and (3) working with families. Usefulness of the questionnaire was determined using Brookfield’s theory of the critically reflective practitioner. I reflected on my own experiences, sought feedback from colleagues who trialed the questionnaire, and made comparisons with the literature. These data were synthesized to conclude the useful of the questionnaire to determine teachers’ perception of their preparedness for working with children experiencing parental separation and divorce.
