Dominant discourses promote the notion of lifelong learning that fits snugly into the creation of on-going professional development for beginning and experienced teachers. In this paper I present a case study highlighting the process of confidence building and critically reflect on whether this is enough for beginning teachers, opening the avenue for researching our own practices and establishing an on-going market for professional development. One of the aims of this research project was to establish a baseline for further research and professional development for beginning teachers, thus positioning the researcher in an on-going relationship with potential respondents.
Data presented focuses on the experiences of one cohort of pre-service primary teachers who elected to do an inquiry-based course to supplement their pedagogical knowledge for teaching science at the primary level. This cohort had limited knowledge of science concepts and processes but realised that they would be expected to teach science as a Key Learning Area in Queensland schools. During that time many students moved from being nervous to being motivated to teach science. Many of these pre-service teachers saw the teaching of science could be an inquiry-based process emphasising working scientifically, rather than regurgitating a standard body of facts or conclusions.
Data presented focuses on the experiences of one cohort of pre-service primary teachers who elected to do an inquiry-based course to supplement their pedagogical knowledge for teaching science at the primary level. This cohort had limited knowledge of science concepts and processes but realised that they would be expected to teach science as a Key Learning Area in Queensland schools. During that time many students moved from being nervous to being motivated to teach science. Many of these pre-service teachers saw the teaching of science could be an inquiry-based process emphasising working scientifically, rather than regurgitating a standard body of facts or conclusions.