Transforming assessment, transforming professional learning

Year: 2001

Author: Groundwater-Smith, Susan, Hayes, Michael

Type of paper: Abstract refereed

This paper discusses the processes used by a large Independent Girls School to transform assessment and reporting practices. Formerly of a summative and convergent kind, the determination has been to change ways in which teachers and their students engage in authentic, formative assessment such that student learning is enhanced in all faculties within the school. Each faculty in the school has formed a Commission of Enquiry whose purpose has been to investigate: current assessment practices; from whence they came; the impediments they face when change is to be made; and some new directions and possibilities. The process culminated with each faculty undertaking an action learning project where change was planned, implemented, monitored and reflected upon. Finally, outcomes were presented and celebrated in a school-wide poster session. The paper is jointly presented by the researcher in residence, who is acting as a critical friend to the project, and the Director of Curriculum, who is managing the project.
