Perceptions of students, parents, and teachers to teaching and learning experiences under the distance learning modality of Gov Felicisimo T San Luis Integrated Senior High School 2020–2021

Year: 2021


Type of paper: Individual Paper

A phenomenology approach is considered to understand the perspectives of students, parents and teachers experiences in the teaching and learning process under the new normal at Gov Felicisimo T.San Luis Integrated Senior Highs School. This study aimed to develop a strategic plan in preparation for upcoming academic school year 2021-2022 based on the generated meaning of the data from the participants. A semi-structured interview focuses on positive experiences, difficulties and recommendation of the participants related to the learning experiences of the students were used for data gathering. Thematic analysis was considered to interpret the data collected. The interview was given via online to 680 participants (457 students, 150 parents, and 73 teachers). It was coded manually from the downloaded files from google forms and use Excel to properly code the answers according to the themes. The positive experiences of the participants in distance learning are emphasize on the ff: “no transportation expenses”, guidance of family in the learning journey of the students, and more time with family. The difficult experiences of the participants in distance learning are focus on: too much workload (learning tasks) for students, realizing the difficult role of teachers for parents, and internet connectivity issues for teachers. The recommendation of the participants focuses on regular updates/follow up about the class for students, request a video lesson for parents, and internet access support for teachers.  Based on the answers of the participants it was concluded that students, parents, and teachers were aware about the positive, difficulties related to the teaching and learning process in the new normal.  The recommendation of the participants shows there is an acceptance of the distance learning in ensuring that learning will continue amidst the covid 19 pandemic.  Based on the student School Form 9 record, it shows that class with online class got a better academic performance compared to students under modular distance modality with a 4.5% difference for grade8 and 3.49% for grade7. These data and the information provided in the interview of the participants are the basis in strengthening the distance learning implementation of the school. A strategic plan that focuses on blended learning, utilizing the available technology tools, a free and stable internet connectivity to improve access and technology skills of students, teachers as well as parents as partner in the learning journey was considered. The strategy aimed to achieved higher learning outcomes set by the curriculum.
