Wellbeing literacy as an emancipatory and transformative capability

Year: 2021

Author: Aaron Jarden, Lindsay Oades and

Type of paper: Symposium

Wellbeing Literacy (WL) is conceptualised as the habitual, intentional language-use about and for the wellbeing of self and the wellbeing of others. It is language use capability, what we can be and what we can do, with language, for the sake of wellbeing of oneself or others. We argue that this capability can be transformative and emancipatory for individuals and communities, enabling one to live a life with value, freedom and wellbeing. The five component capability model of wellbeing literacy will be presented. This includes  its six modes of communication of reading-writing, speaking-listening and creating-viewing. Each of these language-use behaviours may be examined in terms of how they are about and for wellbeing.An opportunity exists amongst the crisis to change education broadly and, specifically, wellbeing and resilience education through the intentional use of language about and for wellbeing, during times of adversity and change. This presentation discusses wellbeing literacy, as a model and capability for transforming wellbeing and wellbeing education, both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. 
