AARE is pleased to announce that registrations for the 2021 conference are now open. Registration rates:
$200 AARE Member
$150 Concessional
$350 Non-Member
Register here
Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews1, Shannon Foster, and the D’harawal Traditional Descendants and Knowledge Holders Circle.
The Australian Association for Research in Education invites qualified Faculties, Schools or Departments of Education to nominate a successful doctoral student for the annual “Ray Debus Award for Doctoral Research…
AARE is pleased to announce the following shortlisted and winning papers for the 2020 Springer and AER Best Paper Awards are being made free access until the end of January.
AARE is pleased to announce that it has again been invited to host a symposium as part of the program at the 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting to…
Congratulations to the following members who have been appointed to the AER Editorial Team following our recent call for Expressions of Interest.
Nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee of AARE should be forwarded to the Secretary by COB Monday 9 November 2020.
Call for Expressions of Interest: Associate Editors, ECR Editor Interns
The Australian Educational Researcher is seeking to appoint up to five new members of the Editorial Team to support the work of the…
Report to the AARE Executive and Members from the Working Party ‘Protecting and extending research in education in Australia’
May 2020 Working Party
This year’s National Reconciliation Week celebrates the 20th anniversary of the reconciliation walks across bridges and down roads where the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of this land now known as…