AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November 2024, at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.
The theme of the 2024 NZARE conference is Mā Muri, Mā Mua – which means “The Past Influences the Future”. Abstracts are invited that relate to the theme, to any of the focus areas of NZARE Special Interest Groups, and any other education research topic.
AARE offers a total amount of up to $5,000 funding to assist the selected symposium team to attend. This funding will be reimbursed to participants on receipt of relevant invoices after the event.
Expressions of interest are due by 11.59 pm on Tuesday 6th August, 2024. A Panel of experienced AARE members will assess all symposium proposals against the criteria. The Selection Panel's decision will be final.
For further details of how to apply, and criteria of selection please see HERE.