AARE is pleased to offer bursaries to support conference attendance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members who are full time HDR Students or early career researchers in 2024, open to both members and non-members of AARE.
The AARE Conference Bursary program is part of AARE initiatives aimed to address equity issues in the education sector.
The 2024 AARE Conference is being held at Macquarie University, Sydney, 1st to 5th December, 2024. Please see our website for more information.
In 2024, AARE is offering the following:
- 2 x $1500 [for those attending from interstate to contribute to travel/accommodation and conference registration]
- 2 x $1000 [for those attending from Sydney/New South Wales to contribute to conference registration and transfers/accommodation if required]
Note: funds will be provided by reimbursement with provision of receipts.
Open to any applicant who:
- Identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person;
- Is a full time higher degree research student OR an ECR (within 5 years of award of PhD) who is in part-time or casual employment or currently unemployed;
- Has not received other AARE awards or bursaries in 2024;
- Has submitted an abstract to present a paper at the 2024 Conference;
Please refer to the AARE website for more details including the application form and the application and selection process.
- Applications should be submitted by 11.59pm Tuesday 20th August 2024.
- Applicants can expect notification about the outcome of their application by COB Friday 6th September 2024.
If you have any questions related to the Conference Bursaries, please contact the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Researcher Member, Dr Candace Kruger via aare@aare.edu.au.