2022-2023 Membership: renew before June 30 for a 10% discount


You can renew online when logged in to www.aare.edu.au. Click “I’ve lost my password” if you need to reset your password.

Eligible members who renew online before the end of the current financial year will be entitled to a discount on the 2021-2022 price before a planned fee increase comes into effect in July 2022. 

  • Renewals processed before 11:59 pm AEST on Thursday 30 June 2022 will receive a 10% discount on the annual fee (renewed through to 30 June 2023)

If you have any questions about your membership, please contact aare@aare.edu.au or call 03 5955 2412.

Your 2022-2023 membership fee
Each year we review the membership fee based on a range of factors, including the resources required to deliver member services and strategic initiatives. While we’ve been pleased to maintain the annual ordinary membership fee at the same level for a while, a fee increase will apply to ordinary membership for the 2022-2023 membership year.

From 1st July 2022, fees will be as follows:

  • Ordinary membership $207.90 inc GST
  • Overseas ordinary membership $189
  • Concessional membership $99 inc GST
  • Overseas concessional membership $90

Concessional membership 
We understand there are many different circumstances that can impact your ability to work or earn an income.

Perhaps you’ve been out of the workforce for a substantial period due to unemployment or family care responsibilities, working part-time on significantly reduced hours, or on unpaid parental leave.

A member who is financially disadvantaged, a full-time student, retired or not in full-time employment may apply to become a concessional member. 

Those seeking the concessional rate should contact the AARE office and provide evidence as to why they warrant concessional status. Students should provide proof of student status (e.g. a letter from the university).

Concessions are granted at the discretion of the AARE management, on a case-by-case basis.

Benefits of Membership

  • Discounted registration at the annual conference
  • Membership to up to three of our 30 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
  • Discounted registration to Theory Workshops
  • Free access to webinars
  • Exclusive full free access to AARE's journal, The Australian Educational Researcher
  • Full free access to other journals, Higher Education, Educational Change and Early Childhood Education
  • Opportunities to apply for numerous awards, bursary and scholarship opportunities

Because of its strong national membership base, AARE can engage in research advocacy and dissemination, set up and maintain national and international research networks for the benefit of members, collaborate with other associations, form committees to deal with special projects, make substantive submissions to government inquiries and offer opportunities for research training and professional development.

Thank you to all members for your continued support.