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You searched for "learning through technology"

9 results found
How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning

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How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning

Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 int…
AARE has a range of publications and other material for members and general readers. These include:

Australian Educational Researcher: an international peer reviewed journal, published five times a year and edited by AARE and distributed online through Springer. This is a Thomson (ISI) indexed journal that is freely available to AARE members.

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Local/Global Issues in Education: this is a book series established in 2015, with Routledge. These books are available from our web shop at…
AARE conference papers (1978-present) are archived and accessible through the website using the search tool.
Aim: The Early Childhood SIG has been established with the aim of providing an on-going space where interested AARE members can share their research in a supportive environment with the purpose of building research capacity. In providing this forum it is hoped that early childhood research will be promoted and encouraged with the emergence of collaborative research projects between SIG members. The SIG will also facilitate networking and discussions around important issues impacting on the early…
Aim:The Politics and Policy in Education SIG provides a space within which AARE members can present, discuss and debate research on the production, enactment and impacts of politics and policy in relation to educational issues. The SIG includes members engaged in quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, critical, ethnographic and comparative methodological approaches. It brings together researchers from a broad variety of disciplines and professional areas to foster and support the conduct, coll…
Aim:The Social Justice SIG aims to facilitate communication between researchers and practitioners interested in the provision of schooling and post-compulsory educational opportunities that are accessible and of benefit to all students, especially those from low income, bilingual, Indigenous and other marginalised backgrounds.

Since educational outcomes in Australia are strongly correlated with the socio-economic and cultural backgrounds of students, this SIG supports research aimed at reducing…
PurposeSince 1978 one of the plenary lectures given at each AARE annual conference has been designated the Radford Lecture, as a memorial to the late, distinguished educationist Dr William (Bill) Radford.

Each year's Lecturer is a distinguished figure in an area relevant to educational research, who is especially invited by the Association to give the Lecture. Each year, the conference makes a presentation to the Radford Lecturer, and since 1984 the Lecture has been subsequently published…