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Dear AARE Members,

As part of good governance of a progressive, consultative, member Association, the Executive of AARE undertakes to review the Association’s constitution at regular intervals. 

The review of an Association’s Constitution should help to ensure that the Association’s practices and rules keep pace with the context and environment within which the Association is undertaking its business, member expectations, and also that the Association complies with its legal requirements. …
AARE recognises distinguished contribution to the association through a number of key initiatives each year.  One of which is through the Ray Debus Award for Doctoral Research in Education which recognises excellence in educational research by doctoral students. 

The award is a memorial to Dr Ray Debus, late distinguished mentor to many doctoral students and early career researchers, as well as both founding and Honorary Life Member of AARE.   

The Ray Debus Award is seen by the Association as…
Aim:The ESE SIG aims to bring together Australian and international researchers passionate about environmental and sustainability education research, policy and practice. As a collective we aim to be a place for promoting new directions in environmental and sustainability education.

The planet has entered a new geologic era - the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene represents the devastating impact that humankind has had upon Earth. It also represents a renewed opportunity to re-think, re-imagine an…
Aim:We aim to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share their research and knowledge about teaching and learning in contexts or on topics that pertain to international education and educational systems globally. The connections provided by our network aim to assist researchers and teachers to discuss, debate and theorize, share research findings and establish research partnerships with across the scope of national and international education contexts. These activities will be su…
Aims:Our SIG aims to enliven understandings about teachers' and school leaders’ work and lives through research that is conducted by/with/for teachers. We recognise teachers as educators and educational team leaders working in diverse settings including early childhood, primary and secondary schools, skills training institutions, universities (in particular Initial Teacher Education), and other discrete or alternative settings. We use a range of theoretical and methodological frameworks to…
Upcoming Events:

2023 Student Voice Symposium

Partnership opportunities across the curriculum

In association with ACSV and REDI

The 2023 Student Voice Symposium will focus on “partnership opportunities”, across two focus areas: curriculum and pedagogy. This symposium will take on a different format to previous years, being spread across three days, over three weeks. Each webinar session will hear from a different expert in the field, followed by a Q&A session. Sessions 1 and 2 will take…
RationaleWith the shifting landscape in education, learning has increasingly been seen more so as a “career” where students are expected to take more responsibility of their learning and future employment. In addition, given the opportunity, students may be able to negotiate new ways and possibilities to achieve successful and sustainable educational outcomes across and within various spaces. As such, important critical questions around student voice are being raised, discussed and debated and i…
News from the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
We would like to draw attention to upcoming events organized jointly by the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG. These activities are supported by a grant from AARE. 

1. Online seminar: A cultural-historical perspectives on STEM imagining and learning: Conceptual PlayWorlds in primary schools

This book highlights the innovative approach being undertaken by researchers from the disparate fields of neuroscience, education and psychology working together to gain a better understanding of how we learn, and its potential to impact student learning outcomes.

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AARE has a range of publications and other material for members and general readers. These include:

Australian Educational Researcher: an international peer reviewed journal, published five times a year and edited by AARE and distributed online through Springer. This is a Thomson (ISI) indexed journal that is freely available to AARE members.

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Local/Global Issues in Education: this is a book series established in 2015, with Routledge. These books are available from our web shop at…