You searched for "assessment practices in an applied learning"
9 results found
AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November, 2024 at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.
This invitation comes as a part of a long-standing relationship between NZARE and AARE. Both Associations are committed to facilitating strong connections between members.
Being invited to represent AARE in an international forum is a high honour…
This invitation comes as a part of a long-standing relationship between NZARE and AARE. Both Associations are committed to facilitating strong connections between members.
Being invited to represent AARE in an international forum is a high honour…
AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November 2024, at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.
The theme of the 2024 NZARE conference is Mā Muri, Mā Mua – which means “The Past Influences the Future”. Abstracts are invited that relate to the theme, to any of the focus areas of NZARE Special Interest Groups, and any other education research…
The theme of the 2024 NZARE conference is Mā Muri, Mā Mua – which means “The Past Influences the Future”. Abstracts are invited that relate to the theme, to any of the focus areas of NZARE Special Interest Groups, and any other education research…
The AARE-Routledge book series Local/Global Issues in Education Series Editors warmly invite proposals for edited books and monographs. The editorial team is currently assessing submissions to date for 2024 while extending this call for proposals.
Proposals for either edited collections or monographs to be published in 2025/26 should be submitted via email to the Series Editors by 31 August 2024 at
Local/Global Issues in Education publishes high-quality empirical,…
Proposals for either edited collections or monographs to be published in 2025/26 should be submitted via email to the Series Editors by 31 August 2024 at
Local/Global Issues in Education publishes high-quality empirical,…
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) is seeking to appoint a member to take on the role of Chair of the Conferences Standing Committee. The successful appointee will ideally join the Conferences Standing Committee in the final quarter of 2024 as a member and assume the Chair position after the 2024 Conference when the current Chair’s term concludes.
The new appointment would preferably be for a three (3) year term and cover conferences in 2025, 2026 and 2027. However, the…
The new appointment would preferably be for a three (3) year term and cover conferences in 2025, 2026 and 2027. However, the…
The AARE Executive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience.
We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee.
AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose and to meet its corporate and legal obligations. Nominations for the following positions on th…
We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee.
AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose and to meet its corporate and legal obligations. Nominations for the following positions on th…
AARE is seeking an outstanding scholar to take on a role as Series Editor, working alongside Professor Marcia McKenzie (University of Melbourne) and Dr Samantha Schulz (University of Adelaide). This follows the conclusion of Professor Greg Thompson’s term as Series Editor. We sincerely thank Greg for his commitment to advancing the series and all his work in the role. As an inaugural Editor for the series, Greg has been integral to the direction and positive outcomes of the series to date. We a…
AARE together with the Academy of Social Sciences Australia (ASSA) on the 5th August 2024 hosted a national Roundtable on ‘Priorities and Future Directions for Educational Research’. Peak bodies, educational researchers, professional associations and representatives from research organisations met to discuss the challenges and opportunities for Australian education research over the next decade.
A Report from the Roundtable identified a shared focus on justice, equity and excellence for all; a…
A Report from the Roundtable identified a shared focus on justice, equity and excellence for all; a…
This unique collection of essays from researchers and teacher educators from around the world presents innovative approaches to education theory, critical policy analyses, de-colonializing reformulations of teacher education and a “standard of dissensus” for teacher education.
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