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You searched for " AARE 2002 Conference Papers"

10 results found
We extend our warm congratulations to the following AARE members on their recent appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to the field of education.

Laureate Professor Jenny GORE, University of Newcastle (and AARE President elect)    
For significant service to tertiary education.

Professor Donna PENDERGAST, Griffith University 
For significant service to tertiary education.


Researchers are increasingly interested in engaging with and communicating their research to a wide range of audiences and stakeholder groups. AARE members have identified a need to strengthen our individual and collective capabilities in working effectively with government, the media and philanthropic organisations. In response, we have developed the following program of seminars for members, beginning July 23.

Each seminar features inpu…
Aims:Teacher Education Research and Innovation [TERI] purpose is to support scholarly work in the field of teacher education research within the broader context of educational research in Australia. Researchers from a wide range of theoretical traditions are welcome. Further, TERI aims to raise the profile of teacher education research within the wider research community in education. Researchers in education typically are teacher educators, many of whom research in teacher education. We aim to…
Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews

Director of Indigenous Research, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Leadership

Western Sydney University

‘Knowledge’ about Indigenous pathology circulates as strategic truth in the race war to rationalise the continuing subjugation of the Indigenous population and encourage non-Indigenous investment in patriarchal white sovereignty (Moreton-Robinson, 2009, p.72).

It was during a meeting that I started to consider writing of the NAIDOC theme Get Up! Stand U…
Did you know that you can publish your research open access at no cost in the Australian Educational Researcher? Under the Council of Australian University Librarian’s (CAUL) Read and Publish agreement with Springer, papers accepted for publication simply need the corresponding author to have an institutional email address from one of the 47 participating Australian and New Zealand universities to qualify for open access. Please note that there is an annual cap under the agreement, which is proj…
Selected photos from the 2019 AARE Conference held in Brisbane. The conference theme was 'Education for a socially just world'.
Selected photos from the 2023 AARE Conference held in Melbourne. The conference theme was ‘Truth, Voice, Place: Critical junctures for educational research’.
Rationale:The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Special Interest Group (SIG) was founded at the Adelaide Conference of AARE in 2013.  Since then, we have worked to increase the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation within AARE including an Aboriginal Interpretive Tour and an Indigenous Keynote Speaker.  Our Indigenous led SIG brings together both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous peoples, inclusive of Masters and PhD Research students, early car…
Aim: The Early Childhood SIG has been established with the aim of providing an on-going space where interested AARE members can share their research in a supportive environment with the purpose of building research capacity. In providing this forum it is hoped that early childhood research will be promoted and encouraged with the emergence of collaborative research projects between SIG members. The SIG will also facilitate networking and discussions around important issues impacting on the early…
Aim:The Health and Physical Education Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to bring together researchers with shared interests in health and physical education, as well as those who focus on the educational dimensions of health, physical activity and sport. The group includes scholars from a variety of areas within the field of health and physical education, including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, adult education and broader social settings. …