supporting other teachers online

Why practical content really matters for assessment in online learning

By Melissa Fanshawe and Katie Burke

Meet Melissa Fanshawe and Katie Burke, two senior lecturers from the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland. These two first met in a Zoom workshop in which they were both presenting on online pedagogy.  Hearing about each other’s ideas, they instantly wanted to work together. Here’s what happened next. Melissa: We teach


Universities all over Australia are welcoming back students – but what will the learning experience look like? The Australian National University’s vice-chancellor Brian Schmidt told staff last week:: “We need our teachers to be more than just people who stand at the front of the lecture hall or before a video camera. We need them

Online communities for teachers: what research says about their limits and potential

By Nick Kelly

The ability to be connected “anywhere, anytime” is recent enough that most professions are still figuring out how